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The Play team maintains the Guice module, which provides a GuiceApplicationLoader. These bindings can then be translated to work in Guice and other runtime DI frameworks. These bindings describe everything that’s needed to create an instance of Application, including, by default, a router generated by the routes compiler that has your controllers injected into the constructor. Play provides a number of built-in components and declares them in modules such as its BuiltinModule. The Guice wiki has some good examples explaining this in more detail. And having more than one instance available at a time makes it possible to run tests in parallel. In particular Play’s (now deprecated) static APIs require a running application, which makes testing less flexible. While static factories can achieve the first goal, you have to be careful to make sure your state is set up properly. It allows you to avoid global static state. This is useful especially for testing, where you can manually instantiate components using mock dependencies or inject an alternate implementation.Ģ.

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It allows you to easily bind different implementations for the same component. §Motivationĭependency injection achieves several goals:ġ. The Guice wiki is a great resource for learning more about the features of Guice and DI design patterns in general. To enable the Play-provided Guice module, make sure you have guice in your library dependencies in build.sbt, e.g.: libraryDependencies += guice The default JSR 330 implementation that comes with Play is Guice, but other JSR 330 implementations can be plugged in. Out of the box, Play provides dependency injection support based on JSR 330.

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Components declare their dependencies, usually as constructor parameters, and a dependency injection framework helps you wire together those components so you don’t have to do so manually. English ▾ English българин Français 日本語 Türkçe Dependency Injectionĭependency injection is a widely used design pattern that helps to separate your components’ behaviour from dependency resolution.

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